Google Announces Material Design Lite To Make Websites Look More Material

It's Android leading the way as we may soon start seeing webpages in a fresh, new material design look which came to the mobile operating system last year. Google has released Material Design Lite (MDL) in an effort to bring its material design guidelines to websites using vanilla CSS, HTML and JavaScript.

According to Google, MDL has few dependencies and is easy to install. It is framework agnostic, meaning MDL can be used with any of the rapidly changing landscape of front end solutions. MDL uses paper elements that are fully encapsulated components which can be used individually or composed together to create a material design site and support more advanced user interaction.

Material Design Lite includes a rich set of components including buttons, text fields, tooltips, spinners and many more. There are also responsive grids and breakpoints that adhere to the new material design adaptive UI guidelines. The complete MDL experience will work on all modern evergreen browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Edge and Safari.

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