Google Keyboard Brings Lollipop Style Keyboard To Old Android Phones

The new Android 5.0 Lollipop sports material design looks that are quite impressive and user friendly. Lollipop is already out but the majority of the users have still not been able to try their hands on the new android in town.

The Material Light and Material Dark theme of Google Keyboard
But if you want to get a fresh typing experience on your old android device then here's the solution - download Google Keyboard app from the Play Store. This app brings the material design keyboard of Android Lollipop to your Android 4.0+ running devices. Just install and then tap on it to launch the app. Google Keyboard will guide you on how to set up the keyboard. Once finished close the app. Now again open Google Keyboard and you will find settings. Tap "Appearances and Layouts" and choose 'Material Dark' or 'Material Light' from the options displayed. That's all! Now you can type on Lollipop keyboard.

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