Firefox 25 to get a new and minimalistic UI

Firefox 25 to get a new and minimalistic UI

Mozilla is planning to give a fresh new look to its flagship browser. These changes are expected to arrive in Firefox 25, scheduled for release in October. As of now Firefox 22 is in the stable release channel, Firefox 23 is in Beta channel and Firefox 24 in Aurora. It will be more clear to all of us when Firefox 25 Aurora will arrive. But till then here's a sneak peek at the futore of Firefox. Firefox 25 will feature a sleek new user interface with curvy tabs instead of those square-cut tabs. Another big change coming to Firefox is the complete revamp of the Firefox Menu. The Firefox button used to be found at the top left of the browser window is being removed and the main menu would now be accessed via a button at the extreme right of the address bar (aka Awesome Bar). Firefox developers have also decided to separate the Bookmark star from the location bar and merge it with the Bookmarks Menu button. The in-content UI styles will be refined and updated too. All these changes will surely make Firefox 25 the most awaited release since the initiation of the rapid release cycle.
